Swimming into Sunrise

Have you ever swam into a sunrise? It’s like bathing in liquid gold, especially in April when the water is warmer than the air. I float in my silky cocoon and whisper my prayers to the dwindling stars. I catch a wave. I learned all I need to do is put my head down and my arms overhead and I’ll glide all the way to the shore. I’d been over-thinking it all this time. Of course.

I wonder, in all this talk of manifesting maybe we’ve forgotten to love what’s right here. The sun will rise and the sun will set. Birds will migrate by the magic in their wings. We will continue to fall in and out of love. Heady with dopamine, oxytocin and serotonin which are words we give to feelings we can’t explain. The universe will continue to expand. Neutrinos will continue to flow from the sun into us, reminding us that of course we are affected by the transits of the planets, but we should never use this as an excuse to live out of integrity.

Dark matter will continue to baffle those who try to understand it. Sub-atomic particles will behave however they want, no matter how hard we try to quantify them. We are children of the universe. We are a tiny part of the great mystery. A mystery is a mystery because it cannot be understood. It can only be revered.

My life is a prayer to that which cannot be seen. 

Clare Lovelace